Tuesday, February 25, 2020

TermPaper2types of promotional strategies Term Paper

TermPaper2types of promotional strategies - Term Paper Example There are four types of promotional strategies, which are: online promotion, traditional media, push marketing and pull marketing. Online Promotion is also called online marketing or Emarketing. It represents advertising the products through the internet. Online promotion gained great popularity as almost every company tries to create its own website to attract customers online. Now almost all the people use internet to buy different products as online they can have more opportunities. The main disadvantage of online promotion is changes which happen rapidly. In order to have successful online promotion, every company needs to have efficient online promotion strategy. The most important characteristic feature for modern managers is insight. It is essential to have good education and be aware of the situation (Kotler). Online promotion is the field that changes rapidly, thus it is very important to be always on time with the advertising and have the appropriate approach. (Orton, 2009). The most popular and beneficial form of online promotion is pay-per-click advertising, when the advertiser pays for the promotion only after the ad is clicked. This kind of advertising is very demanding as it does not accept all the businesses. Some companies can’t advertise their products with the most popular advertising engines as they have many restrictions and special rules for companies. Those companies, which use pay-per-click approach, have many benefits. They have a perfect opportunity to attract customers without paying much for the advertising. Thus, online promotion represents the cheapest way to advertise products and services Any advertising campaign uses many traditional media channels such as television, radio, newspapers, etc. An advertising campaign can be defined as a number of different kinds of advertising, which have the common purpose and content. Ad campaign is the essential part of management strategy. Management strategy implies

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